Find what feeds your soul

It has been 6 months since I have been back in the United States. I imagined doing a post in my first month back. Before I knew it three months had gone by. At that time, I also thought about posting, but I did not really know what to write and frankly, I wasn’t ready….

A slow journey home (finale)

My Peace Corps contract ended on June 30, but I did not reach the U.S. until July 31. Instead of crossing the Pacific Ocean again and heading right back to the states, I decided do a COS (Close of Service) trip, the other way. I was very tempted to go straight home, but with some…

A slow journey home (continued)

My Peace Corps contract ended on June 30, but I did not reach the U.S. until July 31. Instead of crossing the Pacific Ocean again and heading right back to the states, I decided do a COS (Close of Service) trip, the other way. I was very tempted to go straight home, but with some…

A slow journey home…

My Peace Corps contract ended on June 30, but I did not reach the U.S. until July 31. Instead of crossing the Pacific Ocean again and heading right back to the states, I decided do a COS (Close of Service) trip, the other way. I was very tempted to go straight home, but with some…

The one where its over…

The week leading up to my final days on the island, Emae was hosting SMAS, the Shepherds Mini Agriculture Show. For months everyone on the island had been working day and night preparing their gardens, live stock and homes. Several hundred people came to the island for the show, and on such a small island,…

Long time, where you been?

It is May 28. Term two officially started last week, but actually started yesterday. I only have a month left on the island and it is mind blowing. I cannot believe that two years has already passed. Now that it is ending, it feels like it flew by. I have not posted anything in a…

Come find me after the workday finishes

Kava Here is a long overdue post about some history and cultural intricacies behind the kava drinking in Vanuatu. History The origin of kava is unclear, but in all of the South Pacific, the general consensus is that kava originated in Vanuatu but it could have just as easily been Fiji or Papa New Guinea…

Another year wiser?

Birthday celebrations in Vanuatu after you turn 1 are next to non-existent. Maybe you will get baby powder thrown on you and a calico wrapped around you or maybe you will get washed with a bucket of rotten oapaya and a combo of cow and dog poop when you leave your house in the morning….

DOGumentary Coming Soon

I want to take some time to talk about dogs. I know that this is confusing because never in my life have I had a dog or really liked dogs that much. They smell bad and shed everywhere. That hasn’t changed, but my feelings toward them have changed dramatically. One time I was on the…